May 12, 2024
person in red shirt wearing black and gray headphones

In today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving world, traditional notions of literacy have expanded beyond reading and writing. The digital age has brought forth new literacies that are essential for students to thrive in the modern educational landscape. In this article, we will explore the top 20 literacies in education today. These literacies encompass a range of skills and competencies that empower students to navigate, critically evaluate, and effectively communicate in diverse contexts. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of literacies and discover their significance in contemporary education.

person in red shirt wearing black and gray headphones

1. Information Literacy

Information literacy is the ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from various sources. In the digital age, where information is abundant, students need to develop skills to assess the credibility, relevance, and reliability of information to make informed decisions and solve problems.

2. Digital Literacy

Digital literacy involves the competence to use digital tools, technologies, and resources effectively. It includes skills such as digital communication, online collaboration, information management, and data literacy. Digital literacy is essential for students to navigate the digital landscape and participate actively in the digital society.

3. Media Literacy

Media literacy focuses on the critical analysis and interpretation of media messages. It involves understanding the influence of media on society, recognizing bias and misinformation, and developing the ability to create and share media responsibly. Media literacy empowers students to be discerning consumers and producers of media content.

4. Visual Literacy

Visual literacy encompasses the ability to interpret and create visual representations. It involves understanding visual elements, such as images, graphs, charts, and videos, and their meaning in different contexts. Visual literacy enables students to effectively communicate and interpret information using visual mediums.

5. Critical Literacy

Critical literacy involves analyzing and questioning power structures, social injustices, and biases present in texts and media. It encourages students to critically evaluate information, challenge assumptions, and develop a deep understanding of social issues. Critical literacy promotes active citizenship and empowers students to become agents of change.

6. Cultural Literacy

Cultural literacy refers to an understanding of diverse cultures, customs, and traditions. It involves appreciating and respecting different perspectives, fostering cultural empathy, and developing intercultural communication skills. Cultural literacy prepares students to navigate a globalized world and promotes inclusivity and respect for diversity.

7. Financial Literacy

Financial literacy focuses on understanding personal finance, budgeting, saving, and making informed financial decisions. It equips students with the knowledge and skills to manage money effectively, navigate financial systems, and plan for their financial future.

8. Environmental Literacy

Environmental literacy involves understanding the natural world, environmental issues, and sustainable practices. It promotes awareness of environmental challenges and encourages students to become responsible stewards of the environment. Environmental literacy cultivates a sense of environmental responsibility and empowers students to take action for a sustainable future.

9. Health Literacy

Health literacy encompasses the ability to access, understand, and apply health information to make informed decisions about personal well-being. It includes knowledge about healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, healthcare systems, and the ability to critically evaluate health-related information.

10. Social Emotional Literacy

Social emotional literacy involves the ability to understand and manage emotions, develop positive relationships, and demonstrate empathy and resilience. It encompasses skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, relationship-building, and responsible decision-making.

11. Global Literacy

Global literacy focuses on understanding global interconnectedness, cultural diversity, and global issues. It involves developing a global perspective, engaging in cross-cultural dialogue, and fostering a sense of global citizenship. Global literacy prepares students to participate in a globally interdependent world.

12. STEM Literacy

STEM literacy refers to competency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It involves critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills necessary for success in STEM fields. STEM literacy prepares students for careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, which are in high demand in today’s job market.

13. Civic Literacy

Civic literacy focuses on understanding democratic principles, government systems, and civic responsibilities. It involves active participation in civic affairs, knowledge of political processes, and the ability to critically analyze societal issues. Civic literacy fosters informed and engaged citizens who contribute to the betterment of society.

14. Multilingual Literacy

Multilingual literacy involves proficiency in multiple languages. It includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in different languages. Multilingual literacy enhances cross-cultural communication, broadens opportunities, and promotes cultural understanding.

15. Entrepreneurial Literacy

Entrepreneurial literacy encompasses the knowledge and skills needed to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and innovate. It involves developing an entrepreneurial mindset, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and business acumen. Entrepreneurial literacy nurtures students’ potential to become future entrepreneurs and leaders.

16. Design Literacy

Design literacy involves understanding the principles of design, aesthetics, and user experience. It includes the ability to think critically and creatively to solve design problems, communicate ideas visually, and apply design thinking in various contexts.

17. Collaboration Literacy

Collaboration literacy focuses on working effectively in teams, fostering collaboration, and valuing diverse perspectives. It involves skills such as active listening, communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution. Collaboration literacy prepares students for the collaborative nature of the modern workplace.

18. Ethical Literacy

Ethical literacy involves understanding ethical principles, moral reasoning, and making ethical decisions. It includes ethical awareness, integrity, and the ability to navigate ethical dilemmas. Ethical literacy cultivates responsible and ethical behavior in personal and professional contexts.

19. Historical Literacy

Historical literacy encompasses knowledge and understanding of historical events, contexts, and their significance. It involves critical analysis of historical sources, interpretation of historical narratives, and the ability to draw connections between the past and the present. Historical literacy promotes a deeper understanding of society and helps students learn from the lessons of history.

20. Future Literacy

Future literacy involves the ability to anticipate and adapt to future trends, technological advancements, and societal changes. It includes skills such as foresight, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving. Future literacy equips students with the mindset and skills needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world.


In today’s complex and interconnected world, students need to develop a wide range of literacies to succeed and make meaningful contributions. The 20 literacies discussed in this article encompass various domains and empower students to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern educational landscape. As educators, it is essential to integrate these literacies into curricula and instructional practices to prepare students for a future that demands adaptability, critical thinking, and global awareness. By fostering these literacies, we can equip students with the tools they need to thrive in their personal and professional lives, shaping a brighter and more inclusive future.